Sold as a set of 12 for $2400
Series: Industry and Idleness
Medium: Engraving
Artist details: English, 1697 - 1764
Date of plate: 1747
Plate 1. The Fellow Prentices At Their Looms
Plate 2. The Industrious Prentice Performing The Duty Of A Chrifton
Plate 3. The Idle Prentice At Play In The Churchyard During Divine Service
Plate 4. The Industrious Prentice A Favorite and Entrusted By His Master
Plate 5. The Idle Prentice Turned Away And Sent To Sea
Plate 6. The Industrious Prentice Out Of His Time And Married To His Master's Daughter
Plate 7. The Idle Prentice Returned From Sea And In A Garret With A Common Prostitute
Plate 8. The Industrious Prentice Grown Rich And Sheriff Of London
Plate 9. The Idle Prentice Betrayed And Taken In A Night Cellar With His Accomplice
Plate 10. The Industrious Prentice, Alderman of London, The Idle One Brought Before Him Impeached By His Accomplice
Plate 11. The Idle Prentice Executed At Tyburn
Plate 12. The Industrious Prentice Lord-Mayor Of London